Who We Are?

Our Mission

If you have spent time around this sport, you will have undoubtedly noticed that not all kit is loved equally.  Gliders get neglected, mistreated and fixed up to the minimum standard required.

By making use of 3D modelling, rapid prototyping and precision manufacturing methods, RW Design aims to make purpose designed products accessible to all pilots.

If you have an issue that does not already have a solution, get in touch. We can help!

A passionate Glider pilot

Coming from a gliding family, I have always been around the sport.  My first solo was at minimum age in 2012.

Since then I have progressed into a competent cross country pilot, embarking on long flights in my DG200 and flying in regional competitions in the UK.

RW Design was born when the first 3D printed products were created for my glider.  For this reason, you can rest assured all the products we develop are for glider pilots, by glider pilots.

A professional Engineer

From an early age, an inquisitive nature and hands on upbringing made Engineering the obvious choice.  The ability to solve problems while maintaining an aspect of creativity is something I always knew I wanted.

This dream was realised when I gained a first class honours degree in Aerospace Engineering and started work as a professional Design Engineer.